
Care & Respect

Everything we share is done with care and respect for our people, our community, our land.
earth minded

Sustainable Design

We only have one beautiful world, (until we work out how to live on Mars that is). In the meantime we want to create products which minimise the impact on the environment. 
reuse and recycle

Reduce Waste

Our packaging preferences are to use recycled materials such as cardboard which can be recycled and re-purpose.
renewable sources

Natural Materials

Our Herbert Groves collection features the use of natural bush ingredients, designed to heal and restore.

Reducing Single Use

Our hero product The Bilingarra Art Solution is designed as an investment for your home and the environment.  It is a re-usable system that allows you to keep the same wall frame and switch out different images. Our fabric art system is designed not to be thrown away.  You can keep the system and update the artwork. Printed to fabric your images will last for years and when you tire of one print, you can swap it out for another. 

They are washable and when you are finished with it for good they can be returned to us and we will recycle them.Our aluminium frame extrusion is 100% Australian produced, minimising shipping distances which all adds up when it comes to emissions.  Aluminium is also 100% recyclable if you choose to part ways with your frame.

Small steps such as these all contribute to reducing landfill and helping our earth.